How acting like Donald Trump can help your farm

There’s no denying that Donald Trump, the Republican nominee for this fall’s presidential election in the U.S., gets attention. Love him or hate him, he knows how to snap people’s heads around and open ears. George Orwell, an early 20th century English novelist, essayist, journalist, and critic, believed that clear and concise language could expose tyranny, failed logic, and lies – so much so that … Continue reading How acting like Donald Trump can help your farm

How to nurture a beginner’s mind

Shoshin is a Zen Buddhism philosophical concept that means “beginner’s mind”. A beginner’s mind is open, eager to learn, free of preconceptions that can infect an honest, open, transparent conversation – a blank slate. As a Canadian farmer, you are thinking, “This is exactly what we need all consumers to have when it comes to discussing agriculture!”: a mind free of erroneous or mythical information … Continue reading How to nurture a beginner’s mind